January 2021 Dividends
Hello everyone, thanks again for stopping by. It's time once again for a summary of dividends received for the previous month. We have passed one month already into 2021, and well on our way into the new year, so it is time to look back at that first month's dividend income. Let's now get to it, and take a look at the results from January: January 2020 Dividend Summary Taxable Accounts Company Symbol Date Amount UGI Corp UGI 1/4/2021 $61.05 PepsiCorp PEP 1/7/2021 $37.83 Cardinal Health CAH 1/15/2021 $13.12 Cisco Systems CSCO 1/20/2021 $10.08 Bank OZK OZK 1/22/2021 $63.55 Taxable Accounts Total $185.63 Roth IRA Account Company Symbol Date Amount Kimberly-Clark KMB 1/5/21 $10.29 Cardinal Health CAH 1/15/21 $13.71 WP Carey WPC 1/15/21 $11.69 Roth IRA Account Total $35.69 Overall Dividend Income Total $221.32 Forward 12-month Projected Dividend Income Total $4,503.36 January 2021 Transactions Let's now take a look at transactions for January: There were a few buys throughou...