February 2017 Dividends

Hello folks,

I guess I shouldn't be as amazed that another month has gone by. This is, in fact the shortest month of the year. However, I am still amazed how quickly time has gone by, with the fact that it is once again time to summarize my dividend income for another month.

At the time of writing this, February has not quite ended yet, but all my dividends for this month have come in, so I figure what better time than to get a jump on this month's report?

So let's get to it!

Taxable Accounts
Verizon (VZ) - $2.31
AT&T (T) - $13.57
Apple (AAPL) - $3.99
Abbott Labs (ABT) - $9.28
Prospect Capital (PSEC) - $19.91
AmeriGas (APU) - $24.98
William Sonoma (WSM) - $4.81

Taxable Account Total: $78.85

Roth IRA Account
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) - $9.36
Abbott Labs (ABT) - $6.71
Omega Healthcare Investors (OHI) - $17.09

Roth IRA Account Total: $33.16

Overall Dividend Income for February 2017: $112.01

Forward 12-month Projected Dividend Income: $1,552.62

My Thoughts
So this was a pretty good month, especially since in 2 of the 3 "month-groups", I am now earning over $100 in dividends each month. These would be the month-groups of February-May-August-November and March-June-September-December.

Since this post is a summary of February 2017 dividends, I think you see where I am going with this.

Most of the usual suspects for this month-group are there, however, a new addition since November has been William Sonoma (WSM), a company specializing in products around the home, especially for the kitchen.

Check here for my reasons for adding this holding.

I've added 14 shares of WSM (13 of which accounting for the $4.81 dividend payment shown above). There is a good chance I will be adding to this holding as long as fundamentals still hold, yields 3%, and it remains undervalued.

Let's take a look at my dividend payment history:


...and that history charted out:

Looking at the dividend payment history table above, my first move is to get a measure of my progress by comparing to the previous year and quarter

So, my February 2016 dividend income was $50.38. In one year of diligent investing (and benefiting from less intensive dividend raises), my dividend income has risen to $112.01, which represents an increase of 122.3% Y/Y !! Definitely something to feel good about!

Looking back to a quarter ago in November 2016, my dividend income then was $103.31. After a quarter, this income has grown to $112.01, as mentioned above. Clearly, this is a bit more of a modest increase. In fact, it is a 8.4% Q/Q increase.

In comparison to Y/Y, it doesn't look like much to write home about, but I think of my full-time job, and it would take 3 years for an increase in pay to eclipse this mark.

I think I'll take this increase in a quarter over 3 years!
Also, a lot of my investment adds over this time has gone to stocks that pay in the March-June-September-December month-group.

So...you know what this means?

It means I'm going to love March 2017!

I'm expecting for it to be my all-time best month to date for dividend income. I'm so looking forward to it!

So there you have it. February 2017 dividends are in the book, and March should be lovely. It brings a smile to my face to be able to write these summaries of increasing income, thinking about the future once I reach Financial Independence, no matter when that happens (the sooner, the better, of course).

I'm hoping you all have similar good stories to tell about February 2017. How did you do? Let me know in the comments!


  1. This is some amazing growth! look at those bar charts! I'm really loving all the names that you received dividend payouts form this month also. I'm looking forward to following your dividend growth.

  2. Thanks Diligent Dividend! Appreciate the kind words. I really started to get traction when I focused on dividend growth in March 2016, and became more consistent with my investing. Best wishes to you in the months ahead!


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